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May 22, 2024

How to screw up your open rate: [List Inside]

The following was written for a SAAS CRM client:

Subject: How to screw up your open rate:

Subhead: [List Inside]

Alt Subject: Maximize your open rate checklist:

Alt Subhead: Will you get 7 out of 7?

Main Body:

On Tuesday I said I’d tell you how to double your open rates overnight.

The wait is over, and the answers are here.

Everything in the list below can be implemented in one afternoon.

But here’s the thing:

Most of your mistakes come from what you’re not doing.

So, it would just be easier to send you a list of ways to screw up your open rate instead. (Who doesn’t want to 0.5x their open rate?)

How to screw up your open rate: (Followed by a quick fix at the end)

1.       Don’t clean your list before every send.

Make sure to email every harmful address and spam trap.

2.       Don’t use a subdomain when sending mass emails.

We want to make sure that every tiny mistake damages every part of your domain.

3.       Don’t authenticate your email and don’t fix your DNS settings.

Gmail should have no way of knowing that it’s really you who’s sending the emails.

4.       Don’t let users verify their email address after opting in.

We want as many tire-kickers on your list as possible. (Bonus points for email addresses that don’t even belong to the person who typed them in.)

5.       Use an email marketing software that doesn’t require a screening call before joining.

Did your email marketing platform call you to make sure you weren’t a scammer before you joined?

Kudos to them if they didn’t! Now you get to share a platform and IP address with people selling pyramid schemes and fake crypto currencies.

You get to be punished for doing nothing wrong when Gmail punishes the entire IP.

6.       Don’t use a tried and tested warm-up and segmentation plan.

Email 1000s of people out of left field who haven’t opened your email in months.

That way we can trick Gmail into thinking that they never opted-in to your list in the first place.

Remember to act as much like a scammer as possible.

7.       Only send HTML versions of your email. (The default settings on your current marketing software)

We don’t just want your email to be poorly received by Gmail. We want it to be poorly received by every email service provider including Microsoft Outlook.

Jokes aside, most people reading this are making all 7 mistakes (and countless more).

And it breaks my heart because this effectively halves the size of the email list that you spent so long building… (and halves the number of sales you could be getting).

That’s why I started the Email Marketing Software, [software name].

[Software name] fixes every single one of these problems right out of the box.

In [year] I discovered that no software has built-in fixes to the most common reasons for ending up in spam.

Ever since then, I’ve made it my mission to make the best marketing software possible. I did this by taking each of these mistakes and turning it into an automatic feature.

That’s why the average person who switches to [software name] doubles their open rate and clicks. (And usually saves money compared to their current CRM).

Of course, there’s people out there who aren’t making these mistakes and don’t use [software name]

But they usually need to patch together 3 or 4 different pieces of software and spend countless hours fiddling with plans and settings.

If you want to avoid that and still get more PayPal sales notifications, overnight…

…then click here to book a free consultation call with me.

I’ll get you started with an action plan, and 14-day free trial of [Software Name]

As well as answering any of your questions.

Happy Inboxing, and till next time.

[Client Name]

© 2024 – Hasan Nisar

© 2024 – Hasan Nisar

© 2024 – Hasan Nisar