Apr 22, 2024
Get 8x more people to read your lead magnet
The following was written for a SAAS CRM client:
Subject: “My lead magnet gets 0 views”
Split test: Get 8x more people to read your lead magnet
Chances are that you’ve heard this piece of advice before:
Give your audience really good free content…
…and they’ll be so impressed that they will buy your paid product.
You hear this and take the hard-earned wisdom you’ve developed over years…
…and put it into a free PDF.
“This will blow them away”, you think to yourself.
But in the end your lead magnet just sits in their inbox for eternity, without anyone ever reading it…
…even though 100s of people opted in and asked for it.
Why does this happen?
It all comes down to the gift-card effect:
Think back to last few times you received a gift card:
Maybe it was $20 dollars for the Chinese place on the other side of town.
Or maybe it wasn’t even a gift card, but a coupon for a discounted spa day.
The point is, it wasn’t something you urgently wanted to do.
Yes, it would be nice to go to a friend’s favourite restaurant for free…
…but you’re not really in the mood to drive to a new part of town just to try it out.
But you’ll get to it eventually right?
No. The coupon ends up collecting dust beneath the dozens of letters on your shelf.
But there’s one exception to this:
If the coupon’s expiry date is relatively soon (within the next week)…
…you’ll immediately plan a date to go to the restaurant.
You understand that the coupon is valuable and you’ll lose out if you don’t make plans right now.
Nothing kicks people into gear like an expiration date.
So here’s my advice:
After a lead opts in, they should be taken directly to a ‘thank you page’.
The thank you page should have a countdown timer. They only have a certain amount of time to consume your lead magnet.
This could be anywhere between 10 minutes and 1 week depending on whether it’s a downloadable PDF or a 2-hour course.
Your lead will rush straight to their inbox. Fear of missing out is a powerful motivator.
In fact, I’ve used this exact method to get 8 TIMES more clicks on my lead magnets than some of the highest paid copywriters I’ve ever met.
But you don’t want to be the boy who cried wolf.
Your lead magnet actually needs to disappear at the right time for each individual lead. Or they won’t trust you again.
I show you how to do this with disappearing links in my free course: Lead Magnet Multiplier.
Click here to sign up, and you’ll see how easy it is to set this up. Even if you’re not good with tech.
Let me know how your first lead magnet multiplier campaign goes by replying to this email.
Until next time.
[Client Name]
PS. I know it’s been a while since I last emailed you like this.
Mind if I drop by more often to give you some lifechanging email strategies, just like this one?