Purple Flower
May 6, 2024

High open rate, but low click-through rate?

The following was written for a SAAS CRM client:

Headline: “No one reads my emails till the end”

Subhead: “…Even though my deliverability is good”

Alternative Headline: High open rate, but low click-through rate?

Subhead: This could likely be a cure.

Main Body:

Netflix learned this lesson decades ago.

Follow their lead and your email click through rate will shoot through the roof. []

[Name of client], here…

The Netflix subscription model used to have a massive problem.

Imagine you were in the mood to rewatch Seinfeld for the 8th time.

So, you subscribe and binge watch all of it in just 2 months.

You’ve done what you came here to do…and you don’t want to keep paying for something you don’t need.

So, you click unsubscribe…

But before your cancellation goes through, this message pops up on the screen:

“Wait! Before you leave, check out some of these amazing shows:”

Netflix has one last chance to pick the right show to recommend to you.

If they choose wrong, it’s game over.

So, they have 2 options:

A.      Give you the same recommendation as everyone else (or pick something random):

They just show you a thumbnail of their most popular show and hope you click on it.

B.      Give you a personalised recommendation:

They look at what kinds of shows you’ve watched in the past and give you a specific recommendation based on your taste.

(You like Seinfeld, so maybe you’ll like another sitcom like Frasier).

Which option is more likely to get you to ‘keep watching’?

The answer is obviously B, right?

But if it’s that obvious, why are so many people still doing option A, for their email strategy?

See, you’ve probably heard of the word email segmentation before…

…but odds are you’re not doing it (or not doing it enough).

Here’s an oversimplification of what segmentation means:

You divide your list into different ‘segments’, based on which subtopics they’ve shown an interest in.

If you have a general fitness list, and a subscriber clicked on a link about CrossFit…

…then you would tag them as someone who was interested in CrossFit.

And the next time you write an email about that niche subtopic…you only send it to the people who were most interested.

Not only does that you’re much more likely to get them to click through… (or read till the end of the email).

…but you’re also not bothering people who don’t care…

That’s fewer unsubscribes and more engagement (massive deliverability boost).

And since you’ve personalised your message, you’re much more likely to turn a subscriber into a long-term customer.

Netflix chose option B very early in its history.

Lucky for you, there’s a way for you to do the same…

…without much tech knowledge and without having to create a super complex algorithm like they did.

If you want to chat about how we can implement a better segmentation strategy into your business…[add something about how this will get them off hell island or onto heaven island]

…click here to book a call with me.

Happy Inboxing, and till next time…

[Client Name]

PS. Just for fun, have a look at some of my previous emails and click on some of the links…

…you might find yourself in a segment that’s more suited to you ;)

© 2024 – Hasan Nisar

© 2024 – Hasan Nisar

© 2024 – Hasan Nisar